Shamini Jain, PhD, is the founder and CEO of the nonprofit Consciousness and Healing Initiative (CHI), a collaborative accelerator of scientists, healers, artists, and educators to help lead humanity to heal themselves. She is also an Assistant Professor in the Department of Psychiatry at UC San Diego and has received numerous awards for her published studies in biofield healing practices and meditation. Shamini integrates her background in clinical psychology, psychoneuroimmunology, healing arts, vocal performance and East Indian spiritual practice to share with others how they can best heal themselves and live joyful, meaningful lives. Shamini speaks and teaches in diverse venues including TEDx, universities, conferences, hospitals and retreat centers. She also contributes as an author on the science and practice of healing. Her public writing can be found in online blogs including Huffington Post, Thrive Global and the Times of India, and her first book, “Healing Ourselves”, will be published with SoundsTrue in 2021.
1. Who and what is foremost in your heart?(Who and what in your personal life is most important to you?)
My Family, particularly my children. They teach me about love, playfulness and resilience every day.
2. How would you describe your work? How does the work you do impact consumers/environment/world?
I founded and run a nonprofit, the Consciousness and Healing Initiative (CHI), to help lead humanity to heal ourselves. We bring together scientists, healers, educators, and artists to help forward the science and practice of healing.
3. What are you most proud of?
My children.
4. Which is one cause / organization you want us to know about? What would you like to see happen?
In general, I think all nonprofits that are sharing self-healing practices and scientific information that can help us augment our mental, emotional, interpersonal and spiritual health, are crucial at this time. The more we realize how powerful we are as inner healers, the more we can foster changes we wish to see in ourselves and in the world.
5. What are you most passionate about sharing with others at this time?
I feel tremendously devoted to the Divine Feminine in all her forms. I enjoy sharing what I have learned about self-healing with the Divine Feminine (Shakti) from these traditions.
While my workshops at Esalen, 1440 and others are cancelled this year, I am teaching online, and have an upcoming webinar and course with Shift Network on connecting with the Divine Feminine through sound and mantra practice.
I’m also super passionate about sharing the science of healing. My book, “Healing Ourselves: Biofield Science and the Future of Health”, will be published with Sounds True Publications in September 2021.
Getting To Know You, the Goddess
Name – Shamini Jain
Nickname – Shamini
Hometown – Greenville, SC
Current Location – Greenville, SC – previously, San Diego CA for about 20 years
Vocation – Founder and CEO, Consciousness and Healing Initiative; Assistant Professor, UC San Diego
It’s 3:30pm, what are you drinking? Herbal coffee
Favorite place you’ve visited? New Zealand
Currently Reading – The Overstory
Currently listening to – Joni Mitchell
Favorite Sustainable Fashion Brand – I honestly don’t know. It’s been a while since I bought new clothes.☺
Getting Personal
Who was / is your favorite pet? My late Shih-tzu, Ewok. He was incredibly special. We were lucky to have him as our pet.
Next destination on your list? California, I want to see my in-laws. It’s been hard not seeing them during Covid.
What is one of your superpowers? Bringing diverse, brilliant people together to align passions and create new collaborations.
What was your first job? Or what was your most random job? Selling water filters door to door at age 17
Who introduced you to your industry? I sought it out myself.
Best advice you’ve been given? Money comes and money goes.
Best advice you give? Eat your food before asking for ice cream (to my kids)
Current pleasure? Singing – always.
What is something or someone you’re coveting at the moment? The ocean
What is one sustainability practice you incorporate in your work/life? Meditation
Who is a thought leader you admire? Lynne Twist
What / who represents Beauty to you? All forms of the Divine Feminine are beautiful to me. All people who live by their soul’s calling are beautiful to me.
What does Beauty mean to you? Beauty is Grace that emanates through one’s Spirit, and touches the heart and eyes of another.
What is one Self Care practice you enjoy? Walking or hiking in nature – and when by the ocean, surfing.
What is one change you hope to see in the world that you make an effort to embody? I wish that all of us realize the power of our consciousness to heal ourselves, each other, and the planet.
You’ve been given a magic wand, what is your first spell? Peace for the world – which is hopefully beyond a spell.